A Quote About Iraq

by Gene Michael Stover

created Monday, 2012-04-30 T 00:14:00Z
updated Monday, 2012-04-30 T 00:14:00Z

"I never dreamed that I would live to see a time when public opinion in the United States would be practically united in recognition that we were lied to & deceive into going to war".

Actually, it's not about Iraq. According to Jules Archer in his book The Plot to Seize the White House, it's a quote of Oswald Garrison Wilson, editor of The Nation, on or about 1934-04-12, in reference to a Senate investigation that the arms industry pressured the United States into entering World War 1 so that said industry could profit.

So a more accurate title on this blog post might have been "the more things change...", but what has stayed the same? Public belief that we enter wars for no better reason than profit, or something else?