created Sunday, 2013-02-17 T 22:52:27Z
updated Monday, 2013-02-18 T 00:31:13Z
Some of us have noticed that the USAian empire is
in decline, & we've been
expecting a war that would end the USAian
empire the way WW2 ended the British empire.
Instead, what if the USAian empire has already ended? What if the
USAian empire ended due to internal transformation, but nobody changed
its name? So the USAian empire is already gone, already replaced by a
new empire, but we haven't realized it yet?
What was that transformation? It was the transformation that made
corporations first-class citizens & individual humans something less.
It wasn't a single legal decision such as
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, though that
& other legal precedents contributed. The transformation was a
lengthy process of legal & other changes. It started more than a
hundred years ago & is mostly complete.
Wouldn't it also explain how efforts to prevent a transition to
corporatism have stalled? They make little or no progress because they
assume the transition is just getting started
when the transition is long since underway & almost complete.
What does it mean if this is true?
Your elected representatives aren't dumb, unskilled, or thwarted
by other politicians. They simply don't represent you.
Your government...
...doesn't protect you; it protects profits.
...isn't in the process of out-sourcing & privatizing; it's
already mostly out-sourced & privatized.
Corporations are the government & the citizens it protects.
What we say about inalienable rights & democracy is
either a remnant of the old system or a smoke-screen.
The conservatives vs. liberals (or Republicans vs. Democrats) conflict
is a red herring.
Occupy & other populist attempts to prevent a transition to
corporatism might be more effective if they update their strategies to
more accurately cope with the situation.
The battle to preserve our democracy & our rights was over before
we realized it had begun.
Doesn't mean that I'm encouraging a war or that I would in any way
be even mildly pleased if a war happens. "Expecting" doesn't
mean "want to experience".
Democrats, Republicans, Occupiers, &
others all recognize this on one level or another, though they express
it in different ways & attribute it to different causes. You can see
this if you examine what people want beneath the specifics of their fears
& gripes.